12U Boys
Boys in 5th and 6th grade.
At this level, young athletes are honing their technical skills and beginning to build the tactical skills needed in lacrosse. Athletes should have multiple opportunities to practice these skills while in an environment that is inclusive of all athletes.
View Team Register

12U Girls
Girls in 5th and 6th grade.
At this level, young athletes are honing their technical skills and beginning to build the tactical skills needed in lacrosse. Athletes should have multiple opportunities to practice these skills while in an environment that is inclusive of all athletes.
View Team Register
Code of Conduct
Our focus is to teach the game of lacrosse and good sportsmanship.
All players, parents/gaurdians, and coaches are encouraged to follow these guidelines at all times while representing the East Lansing Lacrosse Youth Lacrosse Club. This will include practices, games, tournaments, and other club events.